Season 5

5-9. When Organizations Allow Expert Knowledge to Just Walk Away

Proposes a grand narrative approach for retaining and reusing knowledge potentially lost due to turnover and retirements.

5-8. How Mandatory Training Can Feel Less ‘Mandatory’

Mandatory training serves important purposes but can be painful and ineffective in execution. Are there ways to do it better?

5-7. Responsible Leadership: More than Being a Responsible Leader?

A leader’s responsibilities are more than accomplishing missions and caring for members, it is that the organization itself acts responsibly

5-6. When an Activity Counters its Original Purpose (a Story from a Science Fair)

Tells a vignette about how a wonderfully crafted, innovative display wound up earning a last place trophy for not following the rubric. Rules may be rules, but can they sometimes get in the way of the purpose for the event?

5-5. Why Can’t We Just Stop Using MacGregor’s Theory X?

If we favor Theory Y management, why can’t we just abandon Theory X? Is it because we learned to rely on Theory X or are we hard-wired not to trust people?

5-4. If a Change Effort Fails, Was it Necessarily a Communication Failure?

Sometimes change efforts success despite poor communication, or great communication doesn’t lead to successful change. Why is that?

5-3. Could a New Co-Ed Sport Promote Gender Equality?

I argue that we need new co-ed sports designed to emphasize capabilities that men and women share equally while also being fun to watch

5-2. Is Anti-Professionalism on the Rise?

Professions and professionalism are both under pressure from within and externally — so how can we re-energize the spirit of professionalism?

5-1. Moving Educational Content from Resident to Distance Settings (Without Doing 10X the Work?)

Moving from resident to distance education is tough enough, but if you also developed the content, migrating it could require intense amounts of work!

5-0. Announcement — Changes to Program and Website

As this program enters its 5th season, I wanted to announce some upcoming changes to the program and the website to improve your experience