Episodes on Learning

These are episodes that discuss matters of learning at the individual and organizational levels. Subtopics include:

  • Knowledge development, capture, and retention by individuals and organizations
  • Development of competencies and expertise through training and experience
  • Philosophies of learning such as pragmatism and social learning
  • Failures of learning through political, social, or environment barriers

1-8. Are We Too Busy to Learn?

How do we address (and reverse) the trend of adding new requirements to already busy members without full consideration of the workload already present?

1-6. Is There Really Nothing So Practical as a Good Theory?

Are we being misled by the very metaphors we use to describe the differences between theory and practice? I argue yes and offer a different metaphor.

1-5. Anchoring on the Pilot

Experimentation is a good way to begin a change effort, but what happens when the organization decides that the experiment is good enough?

1-3. Is ‘Competitive Advantage’ a Real Thing?

Explores the term ‘competitive advantage’ as presently used or overused in the media. Does it really meaning anything or is the meaning just assumed?

1-2. Could Remembering History Become Mis-remembering?

Local and national governments establish elaborate organizational structures to preserve history, but what are the risks to both monuments and the truth?