Org. Change

On matters of organizational change — good, bad, or indifferent

2-9. How to Stop Doing Something

Stopping something, like bad habits or change efforts is an important part of change, but is sorely overlooking in the popular change literature.

2-6. The Perils of Pursuing Efficiencies in Practice

A follow-up to a previous post on efficiency — looking at the practical challenges on how to make organizations more efficient in their performance

2-3. Viral Messages and Lessons of the Protestant Reformation

What can history teach us about the longer-term implications of social media and how it is changing our lives? With its forward momentum continue?

2-2. How to Write a Vision Statement

When it comes to vision statements, we know what wrong looks like, but it is incredibly difficult to actually write a good one. How can one do it?

1-5. Anchoring on the Pilot

Experimentation is a good way to begin a change effort, but what happens when the organization decides that the experiment is good enough?

1-4. Crafting a Change Story

Experts in change emphasize building a sense of urgency, but how can one do this when there are so many other competing requirements for change?

1-3. Is ‘Competitive Advantage’ a Real Thing?

Explores the term ‘competitive advantage’ as presently used or overused in the media. Does it really meaning anything or is the meaning just assumed?

1-1. Why Transformational Change May Seem Doomed to “Fail”

Persistent tensions in an organization can make transformational change difficult, thus making it easy for opponents to claim that the effort failed.