
On matters of teaching or administration of education programs

5-6. When an Activity Counters its Original Purpose (a Story from a Science Fair)

Tells a vignette about how a wonderfully crafted, innovative display wound up earning a last place trophy for not following the rubric. Rules may be rules, but can they sometimes get in the way of the purpose for the event?

5-1. Moving Educational Content from Resident to Distance Settings (Without Doing 10X the Work?)

Moving from resident to distance education is tough enough, but if you also developed the content, migrating it could require intense amounts of work!

4-4. Are There Ways to Assess Effective Collaboration?

We talk a lot about the importance of collaboration nowadays, but do we really know how to evaluate it? I relay one experience that might provide clues.

3-4. On Asking the BIG Questions

Many students begin with BIG questions in mind, but must focus on narrow questions to get published. How to keep an eye on the BIG questions?

1-6. Is There Really Nothing So Practical as a Good Theory?

Are we being misled by the very metaphors we use to describe the differences between theory and practice? I argue yes and offer a different metaphor.